
So we were on our amazing Honeymoon in Paris and having the time of our life spent seeing the sights in the centre of the romantic city before traveling to Euro Disney for a even major experience of a life time!

during those few days we spent a lot of time enjoying our time walking around and taking in the sights and also some time bonding as you do after waiting until marriage to do so….

well little did we know on our honeymoon baby Jemima was conceived 🙂

I spent many days wondering if I was misreading signals mainly due to one person making me hold back from getting too excited.

but during my work time at the hospital I was looking at a patients opened packet of wotsits and really craved them, I washed same said patient and sweated far too much than I should that staff wondered if I was okay and final thing was I was sick and bad during one work shift and sniffly in my nose.

i took a pregnancy test and I found out the good news and told pretty much everyone because I was soooooo excited!